Monday, June 14

the audacity of someone who betrayed you begged for a place in your life again is absurd. crying over spoilt milk? would your miserable stories with the current affair will make any difference to me? You took me for granted, just reap what you sow. lets start off with that. 

its no longer my burden. i've coped a lot and been very patient. i've put up with unfortunate incidents that were mind blowing. Nevertheless, i endlessly rooted and gave encouragement. 

my opinions were not held accountable as it would cause ""unnecessary"" stress. I'd hold my tongue from being vocal and wasnt able to speak freely. it actually takes to listen, comprehend and reflect. you just cant say anything when the person is not ready to hear or accept. it would be a waste of time. didn't say i never tried.

there were so many red flags which i completely put a blind eye. god had gradually showed me but still; ignorant. pure blinded by so called 'love'. in the end i felt something was off and my instinct knew i was being treated as an option. i took the courage to put an end and expecting a clean departure but things went sideway the next day. all dirt was revealed. don't mess with (some) women's intuition cause its always right. 

its for the best. my best. slapped me to reality for accepting a half arsed bare minimum piece of meat. 

well it is what it is